這一篇我們來教學如何在BQ在做基本joining tables的操作,雖然在BQ上是不太鼓勵做joining tables的操作。
若是您要分析的資料是從一般的RDBMS的資料庫而來,哪麼建議您在ETL時就將RDBMS的資料做Denormalization的動作,這樣避免掉joining tables的所要的資源及時間
後面會有篇章帶到如何在BQ上做joining tables的優化。
BQ支援以下的joining tables的型態
With bike_rentals as (
count(starttime) as num_trips,
extract(date from starttime) as trip_date
From `bigquery-public-data`.new_york_citibike.citibike_trips
Group by trip_date
rainy_days As
(Max(prcp) > 5) as rainy
From (
Wx.date as date,
If (wx.element = ‘PRCP’ , wx.value/10, NULL) as prcp
`bigquery-public-data`.ghcn_d.ghcnd_2016 as wx
wx.id = ‘USW00094728’
Group by
Round(AVG(bk.num_trips)) as num_trips,
From bike_rentals as bk
Join rainy_days as wx
On wx.date = bk.trip_date
Group by wx.rainy

從上面的範例中我們從兩個不同的dataset篩選我們要的資料出來,個別名命為bike_rentals 及rainy_days 。在第三段的select語法將它們做join,其中rainy_days這段的語法中,wx.id = ‘USW00094728’是New York某一個氣象站台。若我們分別執行這兩段bike_rentals 及rainy_days會看到以下的結果

這個方式就叫 “Inner Join”
from “資料庫A” join ”資料庫B ” on “資料庫A共同的欄位” = ”資料庫B 共同的欄位”
讓我們再看下一個Inner Join範例
With from_item_a as (
select ‘Dalles’ as city, ‘or’ as state
union all select ‘Tokyo’, ‘Tokyo’
union all select ‘Taiwan’, ‘Taipei’
from_item_b as (
select ‘or’ as state, ‘USA’ as country
union all select ‘Tokyo’, ‘Japan’
union all select ‘Taipei’, ‘Taiwan’
select from_item_a.*, country
from from_item_a
join from_item_b
on from_item_a.state = from_item_b.state

最後一段我們select第一個datset全部的資料及國家名稱,以兩個dataset都共有的”州”欄位去做join table。
在on 這邊也可以用不等於來做,例如在這三個國家間運送貨物會有額外的費用發生,請看以下範例
With from_item_a as (
select ‘Dalles’ as city, ‘or’ as state
union all select ‘Tokyo’, ‘Tokyo’
union all select ‘Taiwan’, ‘Taipei’
from_item_b as (
select ‘or’ as state, ‘USA’ as country
union all select ‘Tokyo’, ‘Japan’
union all select ‘Taipei’, ‘Taiwan’
select from_item_a.*, country as surcharage
from from_item_a
join from_item_b
on from_item_a.state != from_item_b.state

接下來我們看一下Cross Join,請看以下範例
With winners as (
select ‘John’ as person, ‘100m’ as event
union all select ‘Jason’, ‘200m’
union all select ‘Bob’, ‘500m’
gifts as (
select ‘Google Home’ as gift, ‘100m’ as event
union all select ‘Google Hub’, ‘200m’
union all select ‘Pixel3’, ‘500m’
select winners.*, gifts.gift
from winners
JOIN gifts
on winners.event =gifts.event

With winners as (
select ‘John’ as person, ‘100m’ as event
union all select ‘Jason’, ‘200m’
union all select ‘Bob’, ‘500m’
gifts as (
select ‘Google Home’ as gift, ‘100m’ as event
union all select ‘Google Hub’, ‘200m’
union all select ‘Pixel3’, ‘500m’
select winners.*, gifts.gift
from winners
cross join gifts

上面的兩個範例中,第一個我們還是用innter join的方式用event為共同欄位去把兩個tbale組合起來,所以是一個蘿蔔一個坑。
但第二個範例是用cross join的方式,可以看到每一個名字都有mapping到所有第二個dataset的欄位。
最後我們來看一下Outer Join的範例
請看以下四個範例,分別是Inner/Full outer/Left/Right Join
With winners as (
Select ‘John’ as person, ‘100m’ as event
Union all select ‘Jason’, ‘200m’
Union all select ‘Ellen’, ‘400m’
Union all select ‘Aaron’, ’50m’
Gifts as (
Select ‘Google Hone’ as gift, ‘100m’ as event
Union all select ‘Google Hub’, ‘200m’
Union all select ‘Google Mini’, ‘400m’
Union all select ‘Google Pixel3’, ‘5000m’
Select person, gift from winners
Inner join gifts on winners.event = gifts.event

With winners as (
Select ‘John’ as person, ‘100m’ as event
Union all select ‘Jason’, ‘200m’
Union all select ‘Ellen’, ‘400m’
Union all select ‘Aaron’, ’50m’
Gifts as (
Select ‘Google Hone’ as gift, ‘100m’ as event
Union all select ‘Google Hub’, ‘200m’
Union all select ‘Google Mini’, ‘400m’
Union all select ‘Google Pixel3’, ‘5000m’
Select person, gift from winners
Full outer join gifts on winners.event = gifts.event

With winners as (
Select ‘John’ as person, ‘100m’ as event
Union all select ‘Jason’, ‘200m’
Union all select ‘Ellen’, ‘400m’
Union all select ‘Aaron’, ’50m’
Gifts as (
Select ‘Google Hone’ as gift, ‘100m’ as event
Union all select ‘Google Hub’, ‘200m’
Union all select ‘Google Mini’, ‘400m’
Union all select ‘Google Pixel3’, ‘5000m’
Select person, gift from winners
Left outer join gifts on winners.event = gifts.event

With winners as (
Select ‘John’ as person, ‘100m’ as event
Union all select ‘Jason’, ‘200m’
Union all select ‘Ellen’, ‘400m’
Union all select ‘Aaron’, ’50m’
Gifts as (
Select ‘Google Hone’ as gift, ‘100m’ as event
Union all select ‘Google Hub’, ‘200m’
Union all select ‘Google Mini’, ‘400m’
Union all select ‘Google Pixel3’, ‘5000m’
Select person, gift from winners
Right outer join gifts on winners.event = gifts.event

由上面四個範例來看,Inner join一樣是一個蘿蔔一個坑,以event為兩個dataset為共同欄位進行比對及Join。然而兩個dataset都有比對不到的資料故沒有顯示出來。
Full outer Join —
我們可以看到,以event作為共同欄位來做比對及Join,但與inner join不一樣的是,它把沒有比對到的資料也ㄧ併顯示出來。
Left outer join—
Right outer Join—
與Left outer Join相反
以上就是在BQ中,簡單的joining tables的介紹,下一篇我們會在深入BQ的資料型態與功能。